Managing Alcohol Withdrawal Insomnia: Tips for a Good Nights Sleep

Your dietary choices significantly affect the quality of your sleep. Consuming balanced meals throughout the day, avoiding caffeine, sugar, and heavy meals close to bedtime can go a long way in improving sleep quality. For those with a serious addiction and years of heavy drinking behind them, it's expected that the insomnia may last longer.

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These methods include activities such as reading a book, listening to soothing music, or taking a hot bath. This sudden overactivity can result in disturbed sleep and insomnia. Think of it as the brain’s way of protesting against the sudden absence of a depressant (alcohol) it had grown accustomed to. Consequently, there's an uptick in wakefulness at times when sleep should naturally occur. It’s a pendulum that swings back with a vengeance, causing sleep woes.

can't sleep without alcohol

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Some people may experience vivid dreams or nightmares as REM sleep, which was previously suppressed by alcohol, begins to rebound. Studies suggest that generally, insomnia symptoms are most challenging during the first few days of quitting. This is when the body is actively detoxifying, resulting in restlessness and unstable sleep patterns. This period lasts about a week for most people, barring those with severe addiction. CBT-I typically involves identifying and challenging any unhelpful beliefs or behaviors that may be interfering with your ability to fall asleep naturally.

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Repeatedly recognized as Newsweek's best treatment center in California, they offer highly personalized, non-12-Step care using evidence-based and holistic approaches. This episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast, featuring neurologist and sleep expert Chris Winter, shares strategies for sleeping better at night. People in recovery are often more likely to have problems with sleep onset than with sleep maintenance, which is why some might conclude that they can't sleep sober. With that said, I don’t recommend benzodiazepines for anyone except under medical care during severe withdrawal. Quitting drinking and not being able to sleep sucks… but now you have some strategies to help!

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